What's New
The 2024 Gardening year is winding down!
Right now, gardeners in this region are starting to wind up their gardens...
Winter creeps ever closer, daylight hours are distinctly shorter, and we look at just what remains to do, and when colder weather will close out the season.
We start to spend more time inside, maybe looking forward to a little rest!
We cast around our gardens, identifying all the final TO-DO's!
As usual, anything we are able to do now, puts things in better order for Spring.
If we placed spring bulb orders, we have the bulbs, and should plant them asap now....
A final look at garden areas, checking for any damage or detail to finish up.
If we make our notes now on this year , it can inform our 'wish list' for 2025.
We might want new plants, update 'tired' areas, or change some practices?
Gardens change, as do their 'keepers', so sometimes recognizing the need is good to do. We might also just be enamored with some new variety or plant group we saw this year, so note it for the Spring Plan..
We may want to take on something from a past 'wish list'?
Sometimes it goes beyond the plants? ornament and features play a big role in gardens. Improving functionality, can bring big rewards?
So, plenty of ideas.
So, if you need to place orders, or book a professional service, for Spring,
maybe now is the time?
Happy Gardening for Fall 2024!
[looking toward Spring 2025].
The best garden design results come from early planning!
Enjoy this colorful season, and take a moment to enjoy the rewards.
Hope everyone found something new and wonderful this past Summer.
More to follow, but if you have questions, I will try to answer via email, [just use the contact page].....